April 2024
Elektronimusiikkikonsertti comin’ up!
Romumusiikkikurssi Ahlman-opistolla siirtyy syksylle!
Junk music course at Ahlman-opisto moved to autumn dates, TBA
During two afternoons we learn to make contact microphones and how to use REAPER to process sounds we captured with them.
UMPIO / tyhjiø -split C60 tape (Bitter Insect Recordings)
Umpio 2x live 2021 junk noizu
tyhjiø 3x ass ripping harsh noise
ROMUTUS : Hässäkkä 2018 -12″
One-sided 180g fat vinyl in silkscreened recycled sleeve. Totally unhinged live set from Hässäkkäpäivät festival, Oulu (with Yacøpsae, MDC, Raamattu, and many more…). This recording has been semi-officially bootlegged before, but here’s the 1st gen master. 200 made.
C-60 // Nekorekords // NEKO-37 // 100 made
Liskoaivo is a finnish word for “lizard brain”, the region of the brain that regulates our primitive reactions.
As sophisticated as oscillators and modular synthesis might be, at the core lies an unexplainable urge to get away from unease, even though it might be totally unconscious: we arrive at an uncharted and mysterious point of sonic landscapes that remind us of primordial states we forgot to remember.
Umpio: Brain Pain CD (Freak Animal Records)
A fresh chunk of mortar in the never ending beaver’s dam of junk elektronix noizu. Just stick your tongue on the soldering iron of the big piezo in the sky and watch your face being ripped off by these frequencies of hi-speed impact. Only the best cassettes were cannibalized for this 2 meter long joint. Full color digipak.
Umpio: Sin Memoria CD (Absurd Exposition Records)
Forgot to put on the helmet for the drainpipe slide? Breathe in deep as the smoke, chunks of shrapnel and microplastics fly high while the celestial dremel drills through the gorilla skull of the great offender. Rugburn on the listener’s skin are just some of the side effects of this full spectrum junk elektronix noizu catastrophe.
Available from me, or the usual suspects
Let’s never forget the day I played live with King Kurikka in Helsinki, summer 2021.
Still relevant:
Curtis Roads / Todd Barton –CD
Due to ongoing demand:
Expanded reissue of this cassette release from 2016. All the original material, of course, but also an exclusive Todd Barton remix/re-work of Roads’s source material.
The original cassette-only release featured a noisy and pontillistic version of a new piece by professor Roads, a spiraling train crash bordering on harsh noise… and Krell music by Barton: outerworldly space contemplations, with a touch of a distant future from a parallel past.
Todd Barton is a tireless Buchla educator and synthesis explorer from Oregon.
Curtis Roads is a pioneer of granular synthesis and algorithmic composition from California.
Both are legendary figures of electronic music and I’m super proud to present this release to the world.
Let’s never forget Pete Hissa, a.k.a Pate Hirssi. The most badass drummer i ever played with.
See you on the other side.
There’s no scene like no scene!